Using this with an iPhone 6, carried with a Thule case. The biggest benefit is the ability to put your phone in this armband with the phone still in the case. Second, it's really nice to have direct access to the screen without a piece of plastic in the way. Third, it's extremely nice to be able to take the holder off the armband and clip it onto my amphipod running belt. I disagree with the reviewer that said it's really hard to get the phone out. It's not easy, but not difficult. It is, however, MUCH harder to get the phone in the carrier to begin with. The phone seems to be VERY secure in the grip of the carrier, though. I guess the biggest Con about this carrier is that it seems to slip down on my arm some unless I tighten it too tight, which restricts blood flow. Another minor Con is that the clips on the carrier don't securely connect at the bottom. They don't "snap shut". This opens the door to the possibility that the phone, while still in the carrier, can slip off the armband, or off a running belt. I don't think there is a very high risk of this, but it's still a concern. All-in-all, I really like it. NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS: 1) Keep the "elasto" material. It's really good stuff, but design a mechanism that would allow the gripper to open and close by pushing a button so you can get your phone in and out faster. 2) Clips need to Securely snap shut. 3) Armband needs to grip to my arm better.